27 November 2015

Men seek jobs on election day

NO VOTE ... Job seekers along David Hosea Meroro Road opted not to vote for Regional Council and Local Authority Elections on Friday. Photo: Nampa
While thousands queue up at polling stations, some as early as 02h00, two young men seek jobs along David Hosea Meroro Road in the Hochland Park area of the capital.
Festus Kamati Shiimi, 22, and Erastus Nuukule, 20, told Nampa in an interview on Friday they sit along the same road every day from 07h00 in the morning until 17h00 in the afternoon waiting for someone to hire them, even if it is just temporarily.
“I will not stand in those long lines and vote for people who do not bring any changes to my life. Last year I voted, but I am still unemployed and that is why I have to sit here, hoping every day to make a little money in order to survive,” said Shiimi.
Nuukule expressed anger towards Namibian leaders, saying that after elections they turn their backs on the people who voted for them, leaving them to suffer.
“So you want me to vote for those people so that they can have good lifestyles, while I still remain poor sitting along the road in the sun hoping to get a part-time job. I will not do that,” he stressed.
They are referring to the 2015 Regional Council and Local Authority Elections underway countrywide on Friday.
Both men are willing to do any jobs, including cleaning yards, sweeping pavements and also gardening; and are usually paid between N$50 and N$150.
Shiimi holds a Grade 12 certificate but had to drop out after two years of studying Radio and Television Mechanics at the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre (WVTC) due to lack of funds.
He explained that for him it is not worth voting as the leaders they vote for do not bring any development to the constituencies they are representing.
Shiimi feels the councillors do not provide or assist them with any jobs, proper community services or even funds for them to study.
“It’s not like we are not educated. We have Grade 12 certificates but still our leaders are failing to get us jobs or help us get funds to pay for our studies,” he added.
Nuukule, who left school at Grade 10, added that the Namibian Government is corrupt and whether he votes or not, his vote will not make any changes to his jobless lifestyle, neither will it stop corruption in the country.
Meanwhile, voting continues in other parts of the country until 21h00.

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